Short Poems About The Lord Of The Rings

These short poems are about the Lord of the Rings,
A tale of adventure, greed and war.

I hope that you will enjoy
these short poems about the Lord of the Rings

But they do not compare with the book!

The story is so vast and profound,
filled with adventure and mystery.
I hope that you will find joy
in reading about Frodo and his friends,
and their quest to save Middle-earth.

The Lord of the Rings,
A story about courage,
And overcoming darkness,
Is a tale that fills me with hope,
For it shows that good can triumph over evil,
And that no one is too small to make a difference.

The Lord of The Rings

The Lord of the Rings.
It’s a great adventure.
A journey to save the world.
Evil is lurking.
But good will prevail.

The One Ring

A ring to rule them all,
to bind them together
in the darkness of Mordor.
Feared by all, its power is unrivalled,
Its maker long forgotten.
But the ring still whispers,
“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them”

A Tale of Adventure

A tale of adventure,
Of battles fought and won,
Of friendships formed and tested,
Toil and hardship overcome,
All this and more is found
In the pages of the lord of the rings.

The Great Ring of Power

The One Ring, the great ring of power,
Brought Sauron back to life
He who had been defeated long ago
By Isildur, the last King of Gondor.
Sauron rebuilt his dark army
And what he could not do with force
He would do with deceit and trickery
Trying to regain the One Ring
So it would give him dominion over all.
But the Ring was not easily found
And many brave men perished trying
Until it finally came into Frodo’s hands
The Hobbit who had been chosen by fate.
Frodo took the Ring to Mordor
To Mount Doom, where it was forged.

A Journey Worth Taking

A tale so rich and grand,
many have tried to emulate it,
but none has come close.
The lord of the Rings,
a journey so fraught with peril,
yet one that is so worth taking.

Ringwraiths on the Hunt

Ringwraiths on the hunt,
slowly gaining on their prey.
Frodo and Sam are running,
but they won’t get far.
One by one the Ringwraiths,
close in on the hobbits.
Frodo slips on the ring,
and escapes into the night.

One Man Brave and True

There is a tale, so old and so true,
Of the one who saved us all from sure doom
The dark lord Sauron, his power was great
But one man, brave and true, did not cower
He fought with courage and strength
And in the end, Sauron was defeated
The one who did this was no mere man
He was the lord of the rings
A hero to us all, in these dark times.

I Love the Tales of Frodo

I cannot help but love the tales of Frodo,
Of Aragorn and his strength, Samwise and his faith;
And Gandalf, who was always there when they needed him,
Helping them to save Middle-Earth from Sauron.

It’s a world where good always triumphs over evil,
And the characters are so well-developed that we feel we know them;
It’s a story that has captured the hearts of people for generations,
And I am sure it will continue to do so for many more.

A Grand Story

The Lord of the Rings, a story so grand
A tale of adventure, a journey to be free
In a world of dark and light, where danger lurks
He leads us on his quest, with courage in his heart
For Frodo, our hero, the stakes are high
And only with the help of old friends can he survive

Heroes in Our Time

There are heroes in our time
Kings and queens, they’re all so sublime
But when it comes to the ultimate test
The one who prevails is the one who’s best

In a land of make-believe
Lies a story of great depth
Of the one who reaches for the sky
And the journey that he must take

To save the world from certain fate
This is a story that is true
Of a noble heart and spirit
And the lord of all that is new.

The One Ring

Is this the One Ring?
forged in the fires of Mount Doom,
Sauron’s dark power kept alive
by the curse of the Ringwraiths?
Will it control me, as it has so many others?
Or will I control it, and rule all with an iron fist?

The One Ring, the one ring
To rule them all, to control
All the armies of Middle Earth
And bring them to their knees
In the darkness of Mordor
Where Sauron awaits.

I Must Answer The Call

The One Ring calls to me
To leave my home and family
To follow it to the ends of the Earth
And help defeat Sauron once and for all
This is my destiny
I know I must answer its call
No matter the cost.

In a Land Far Away

Once upon a time, in a land far away
A story was told of epic proportions
An adventure so great, it would take your breath away
The heroes were brave, and the darkness was defeated
For a time, the world was at peace
And the storytellers would speak of this grand adventure, again and again.

A Hero Arises

From a lowly beginnings
A hero rises
fulfilling a prophecy
Destroying evil, saving the day
His journey is long, his struggles many
But in the end, he is victorious.

To Wander in The Woods

To wander in the woods,
feel the silver dew on my face,
and to hear the stories
told by the old men around the fire;
this is the life I choose.

For though there be danger
in those dark places,
still there is magic there,
waiting to be found.

And who knows what might happen,
what great things I might see,
if I journey to that place
called Middle-Earth?

A Story of Good versus Evil

There is a story, a story so grand
It takes your breath away and grabs your heart
A story of good versus evil, of adventure and might
Of crowns and rings, and of the one true king.

This is the story of the Lord of the Rings
Of Frodo and Sam, of Gandalf the grey
Of Gollum and Saruman, of Mordor’s might
This is the story that fills us with awe.

For it is a story of courage in the face of fear
A story of determination against all odds
A story of hope in the face of despair.

May we all find such strength within ourselves
To follow the path of the good.

Magic in the Air

There is magic in the air
The trees with their limbs reaching high
The moon lighting the way
As we walk on this special night
We are led by the light of the ring
It shines down on us
A symbol of hope and redemption
For all who travel under its guidance
On this, our quest to save Middle-earth

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