Being Kind and Helping Others

Being Kind and Helping OthersBeing Kind and Helping Others

When faced with a problem, big or small

Kindness comes first – no exceptions at all

Help others in need, do not pass them by

Little kindnesses go a long way high

Greet those you meet with a smile and a wave

Look out for those who are lost and afraid

Be patient and kind, focus on the bright side

Let love guide your actions, doing what is right.

Seek To Always Find A Way

Seek to always find a way

To bring kindness into each day

Let it begin with you, and then radiate through

The lives of those that you encounter today

Share your smile, lend an ear

Be the person to show others they are valued here

Do whatever you can to help someone in need

It’ll fill hearts with love and make them take heart and proceed

In being kind and helping others that’s what truly matters most

We’ll find fulfillment in life when the bond is not lost

Take responsibility for making a difference each day

And have faith that this effort is never gone astray.

Kindness Is A Glowing Light,

Kindness is a glowing light,

A spark of hope when day turns to night.

Showing up, when others can’t cope,

Sacrificing your wants and needs as you elope.

Giving kindness to everyone in sight,

Not caring if they’re wrong or they’re right.

It’s not just lend a helping hand,

Offering kindness is the way it must stand.

Kindness – The Way To Show What’s True

Kindness, the way to show what’s true

Helping those that are in need

In a world so often unkind

It gifts us peace of mind to feed.

Every little act of help increases joy

In both the giver’s and receiver’s heart

One act leads to another kind gesture

That forms an inextricable bond from the start.

So let’s all lend helping hands together,

And seek out ways to be kind and give,

You’ll feel great when you help out your brother

For its always grace that wins in the life we live.

A Gift Unseen

A kind heart is a gift unseen,

It can bring happiness and joy to those who are in need.

So take time and search within,

And care for those with a gentle grin.

Small deeds done out of kind regard,

Can spread cheer and times of reward.

Help others whenever you can,

Prosperity will never be banned!

Even as small as sharing a smile,

Will go a long way for someone’s awhile.

Sharing our hearts that are so warm,

Is the greatest joy ever born!

Be Kind And Thoughtful, No Matter The Cost.

Be kind and thoughtful, no matter the cost.

Help those in need – give your love to the lost.

Show compassion for those who suffer most.

Take time with each life and nurture like a host.

Lend your hand whenever you can, even if small.

Your heart will grow stronger when you give your all.

Spread kindness to the world, brightening each day.

Erasing selfishness so that love may stay.

Be Gentle, Be Kind!

Be gentle, be kind,

Be generous with your time,

Be patient and selfless and giving,

Bring joy to those who have been living.

Do what you can for those in need,

As together we can all succeed.

Give a smile or just a hug,

Let people know they’re loved enough.

Make the World a Better Place

Be grateful for what you have today

Open your heart and help those in need

To make the world a better place,

Let echoes of kindness begin with you!

Open your eyes and hearts to see,

Spread a smile from head to toe

Offer an act of kindness to one and all,

As love grows when shared by one and all!

Let Us Spread Kindness Like A Ripple In A Pond

Let us spread kindness like a ripple in a pond,

For small acts of good can make the world beyond.

A simple smile, a kind deed, give someone hope today.

If everyone helps out, it makes life’s journey so much better to say.

Together we can make a difference – no matter how big and small,

Help where needed and one day you too could stand tall.

Hearts full of love for our fellow man,

Will sprinkle caring throughout the land.

So in what ever situation you may be,

Remember to kindly help others – our humanity!

A Ripple in The Sea

Being kind is a ripple in the sea,

A wave of warmth that sets us free.

It’s acts of service to lighten the load,

Spreading love through a simple nod.

Helping others yields greater returns,

Giving hearts with different yearns.

Bringing smiles and hope along the way,

In kindness there is no difference made from day to day.

A Heart Filled With Kindness, A Gentle Soul Inside.

A heart filled with kindness, a gentle soul inside.

Helping others in need, for those in whom we can abide.

The sense of thankfulness our efforts will bring.

Bringing joy and happiness to many through everything.

Kindness never measured by size or fee.

But always appreciated is what we come to see.

We all have little deeds that together may not amount to much.

But the power to kind words and help are forces that cannot be touched.

Being Kind Is Something We All Can Do

Being kind is something we all can do,

Helping others out of the blue,

Showing them love and compassion too,

Making them smile no matter what they go through.

No need to boast or even brag,

Giving of yourself it will add a little “zag!”,

Complete strangers will feel your sincerity in a bag,

Uplifting those who may be feeling sad.

Be Kind And Generous, Lend Someone A Hand.

Be kind and generous, lend someone a hand.

Forget about the offenses and misunderstandings of the past.

Give of yourself and your time, help to make life last.

Let go of grievances that lead to resentments that won’t last.

Encourage those in need, find ways to support and stand tall.

Help them through hardships so they don’t stumble or fall.

In life, it’s not what you take, but what you can give away,

Share a loving sacrifice, just do it today!

Kindly Reach A Helping Hand

Kindly reach a helping hand,

You’ll build a bond that always stands.

Rise up to joy as others smile,

Your simple gesture held within a mile.

Let your heart light the way,

As you step towards one for help today.

Lend an ear in showing care,

Open your heart, show others you’re there.

Karma can be virtuous or mean,

So choose to pass on kindness seen.

The Best Thing To Do

Helping others is kind;

It’s the best thing to do,

For a better life they’ll find.

Seeing smiles causes joy;

Volunteering gives us hope;

To lend a hand’s no ploy!

Lift each other up today,

A loving spirit will outlast;

Your contributions will always stay.

1 thought on “Being Kind and Helping Others”

  1. They say you should show the same kindness to others that you would like to receive back. So in other words how you treat others is how others will treat you. But it never hurts to show kindness to others, especially those less fortunate than yourself. Just doing a kind deed for others goes a long way to making you happy and fulfilled in life.

    Thank you for these lovely poems that are excellent reminders for us all.


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