Short poems

Here we have some short poems about short poems!

I hope you enjoy them. You’ll see the sort of things I like to produce.

Short Poems are Fun

Short poems are fun,
Quick to write and easy to read,
A great way to get your thoughts out there,
And make someone’s day a bit brighter.

Don’t underestimate short poems!

Short poems are often underestimated
They're seen as less important
But they can be so much more
They can pack a punch and make you sore

A few well chosen words
Can speak volumes, that is for sure
So don't knock short poems, they're great
And can sometimes leave a bigger bite.

A Short Poem can make You Smile

There’s something about short poems
That just makes you smile
They’re perfect for when you’re feeling low
And you want to write a little while

They don’t take long to write
But they pack a lot of punch
You can say so much in just a few lines
And they’re always such a hit

So if you’re looking for a way
To make someone happy today
Write them a short poem
It will put a smile on their face.

Short Poems are Best

Short poems are the best
You can write them in your head
And they don’t take long to read

They’re perfect for when you’re busy
And you need to get your feelings out
Or when you just want to express yourself

I love writing short poems
They come so easily to me
And I can share them with anyone

So if you’re looking for a quick poem
Write one yourself, it’s easy!

Short Poems are Sweet

Short poems are sweet
And easy to read
They can fit in your pocket
Or be read on your feet

Short poems are fun
And sometimes they’re fast
You can pack a lot of meaning
In just a few words you’re done!

A Snapshot

A poem is like a snapshot
A moment in time
A little slice of life
It can be sweet, or sad
But it’s always true
And it’s always brief
That’s why they’re called short poems.

From the Heart

Short poems are easy to write
And they don’t take up much time
They can be funny, or sad, or sweet
And they always hit the spot

A short poem is like a little gift
That you can give to someone special
It doesn’t have to be perfect
But it always comes from the heart.

Short Poem – Short on Time

Short poems can be so sweet,
Making you feel content and complete.
They can be about anything,
A moment, a feeling, or even a dream.
Their length is perfect for when you need
A moment of respite or a dose of levity.
So when you find yourself short on time,
Don’t forget the power of the short poem.

Pretty Things

Short poems,
Pretty things with not much room,
Quick hits of beauty that we can all consume.

There’s something special about them,
The way they make us think and feel,
And when we’re done we want more of them.

Preserved Forever

There is something about a short poem
That has a certain magic
Something that can make you feel
Like you’ve tapped into something special
A moment of clarity
Or a simple truth that’s spoken
In just a few lines
It’s like a snapshot
A moment in time
Preserved forever.

Sweet and Succinct

Short poems, they’re sweet and succinct
They can make you think or just make you laugh
They can teach and bring you insight
And they never take up very much space

Short poems are like a ray of light
In the middle of a dark and rainy day
They can make everything seem alright
And they’re always worth reading, every time.

The Essence of Real

The form is rigid, the thought is free
constrained by meter, elbow room is key
the poet’s voice, a whispered chord
giving breath to the words we hoard
like gems, to be worn and shown
when we’re ready for the world to know
what’s in our hearts, what we feel
short poems, they’re the essence of real.

Quick thoughts, quick reads

Short poems are sweet
They fit in your pocket
easily to read
And often they make you think
Quick thoughts, quick reads
But the meaning is so much
Sometimes a short poem is all you need.

They Make You Think and Feel

Short poems are sweet
They make you think and feel
They can be about anything
But they don’t have to be long

Short poems are perfect
For when you’re feeling sad
Or when you just need a break
From the world that’s going mad

Short poems are simple
But they can still be profound
And they can teach you things
You never knew before.

Amazingly Rich and Incredibly Funny

Short poems are often underestimated
They can be amazingly rich and incredibly funny
It’s hard to fit everything you want to say
In just a few lines, but it can be done
They can be like snapshots of life
Capturing a moment in time that’s gone forever
The best short poems are like little windows
That open up to reveal a whole world.

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