Poems About The Summer

I hope you enjoy these poems about summer
Musing as the days grow warmer and longer
Spending our time outdoors being
In the sun and enjoying the breeze.

Every Summer Has a Story

Every summer has a story
Of the things we did and saw
We make memories that will stay
And we can’t wait to do it all again

There’s always something new to discover
In the places we go and the people we meet
It’s a time for laughter and fun
For making moments that we’ll never forget.

We All Come Out

Summertime is when we all come out
To play in the sun and feel the bright heat
We dance and sing without a single care
As the days breeze by with happiness in the air
No worries about what tomorrow may bring
For right now, today, we are perfectly content
surrounded by all things summer.

I Love The Way Poems Smell In The Summertime

I love the way poems smell in the summertime,
Like flowers that have been crushed underfoot.
They’re sweaty and musky and alive,
And they make me feel like I’m a part of something special.
Summer is when poetry is at its best,
When words flow like rippling water,
Free and unrestrained.
There’s nothing like a good poem to cool you off
In the heat of the day,
And nothing can compare to the beauty of verse
That blooms in the summertime.

Poetry in The Air

The summer sun is shining bright
The days are long and warm
All around there’s poetry in the air
As people come and go
The leaves whisper secrets in the breeze
And the world is at peace.

Edges of the sky turn red and gold

The summer sun is blazing
Edges of the sky turn red and gold
We are drawn outside to play
Our skin feels hot, our bodies cool
Running, laughing, until we’re sore
For these brief moments we are young again
Filled with nothing but the present moment
Later we’ll rest in the shade
Dreaming of summers gone by
And summers yet to come.

A Summer Night

The moon is high in the sky
The crickets are singing
The stars are shining
It’s a summer night.

Everything is so still
The world is asleep
I’m all alone
In the dark.

But I don’t mind
I’m happy here
Just listening to the night
And feeling the breeze.

A Time to Be Free

Summertime is a time to be free
No school, no work, just fun and play
All day long we can wander and roam
In the sun or in the shade
Picnics in the park, swimming in the pool
Ice cream cones and watermelon slices
There’s nothing better than summertime
When no one has anything to do but relax.

More Carefree

Summertime is more carefree
We’re not bundled up in layers of clothes
In the summertime we can play outside
There’s no need for mittens or a coat
Come summertime we can go swimming
And when the sun sets we can stay up late
The days are longer and the weather’s warmer
Life is just better in the summertime.

Summertime is Here

Summertime is here,
And the poems are in the air.

We all love to write them,
Especially in the summertime.

It’s a time to relax and have fun,
And let the words flow from our minds.

There’s no better way to spend a day,
Than sitting under the sun,
Writing poems about the summer.

Sitting On The Porch

Sitting on the porch
With a cold drink in my hand
The sun is starting to set
I can smell the BBQs in the air
Kids are running around playing
Summer nights are the best.

The Wasps

They come out in the summer,
the wasps that is,
and they’re always looking for trouble.

They hover around your food,
your drink,
and they won’t hesitate to sting you.

But I guess that’s just their way,
their way of protecting their queen.

So don’t bother getting mad,
just be glad they’re not around in the fall.

Golden Sunlight

Golden sunlight spills over the town
As everyone emerges from their houses
To enjoy the summer afternoon.

Children run and laugh as they play
While parents relax and enjoy the day.

The sounds of birds singing fill the air
And the sun smiles down on everyone there.

Summer BBQs

Summer bbqs are the best
There’s nothing like good food and friends
gather around and enjoy
the sunshine and the breeze
relax and have some fun
eating, laughing, and just being free.

Food Cooked On An Open Flame

The best time of year is when the sun is high
And we can gather round in joy and laughter
With food cooked on an open flame
And tales that go on for hours
There’s nothing like a summer barbecue
To bring friends and family together.

All About Fun, Freedom and Relaxation

Summertime is all about fun,
freedom and relaxation.
It’s a time to wear bright colours,
and be surrounded by your loved ones.
You can go to the beach and enjoy the sun,
or stay home and watch a good movie.
Whatever you choose to do,
make sure you enjoy every moment,
because summertime will be gone before you know it!

If Only Summer Could be Here to Stay

If only summer could be
here to stay
instead of just a fleeting memory
we could enjoy the long days
and warm nights
without a care in the world
but alas, summer must go
and autumn will soon be here.

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