Owl Poems

An Owl Surveys the Countryside

Amidst the rolling hills of green,
An owl takes to the sky unseen.
With silent wings and watchful eyes,
It glides above the countryside.

The fields of wheat and grassy knolls,
Are bathed in silver moonlight's rolls.
The gentle breeze upon its face,
Carries it to a secret place.

It sees the hares that hop and play,
And foxes on their nightly sway.
It watches deer upon the move,
And hears the hoot of distant groove.

The ancient woods and hidden glades,
Are home to many creatures shades.
The owl swoops down to take its prey,
And then back up to fly away.

As dawn begins to break the night,
The owl takes to its roost in flight.
It rests upon a branch so grand,
And dreams of tomorrow's countryside wanderings.

A silent hunter in the wild,
The owl, a beauty, free and mild.
A creature of the countryside,
It's secrets in the night it hides.

Soft Brown Feathers

Soft brown feathers spread from the owl's wings,
Majestic it stands with its piercing yellow eyes, 
A hoot in the night as it soars noiselessly,
Freely and bold across a starry night sky. 
Calm and still it perches on a high branch, 
Hunting for food from sunrise to set of day, 
Never ceasing its judgemental watchful gaze, 
Beauty personified in this majestic owl.

Barn Owl

Silent winged hunter in the night,
Elegant and fierce, a fleeting sight.
With piercing yellow eyes that gleam,
You search for prey, like a silent dream.

Perched atop a branch so tall,
You survey the fields, one and all.
With a tilt of your head, you scan the ground,
Searching for mice that scurry around.

You take flight, a silent breeze,
Your wings spread wide, with utmost ease.
Through the night you glide and soar,
A master of the sky, forever more.

Your feathers are soft, a mottled brown,
Camouflaged against the trees and ground.
But your eyes, they shine like liquid gold,
A beacon in the dark, so bold.

Oh barn owl, you are a sight to see,
A creature of beauty and mystery.
In the still of night, you take your flight,
A hunter of the skies, so graceful and bright.

A Screech Owl

In the dark of night, so still and still,
A hunter awakens, ready to thrill.
With feathers soft and mottled gray,
It sits and listens, in silence to stay.

Its round, keen eyes, as dark as night,
Scan the landscape with piercing sight.
With ears cocked, it hears each sound,
Waiting for prey to come around.

It spreads its wings, with effortless grace,
And takes to flight, in a silent pace.
With silent strokes it glides and soars,
A master of the skies, forevermore.

Its plumage blends in with the trees,
A master of disguise, if you please.
But when it calls, a haunting wail,
It's unmistakable, without fail.

Oh screech owl, you are a wonder to see,
A creature of mystery, wild and free.
In the still of night, you take your flight,
A hunter of the dark, so fierce and bright.

A Tawney Owl

In the dark of night, so still and still,
A hunter awakens, ready to thrill.
With feathers soft and mottled gray,
It sits and listens, in silence to stay.

Its round, keen eyes, as dark as night,
Scan the landscape with piercing sight.
With ears cocked, it hears each sound,
Waiting for prey to come around.

It spreads its wings, with effortless grace,
And takes to flight, in a silent pace.
With silent strokes it glides and soars,
A master of the skies, forevermore.

Its plumage blends in with the trees,
A master of disguise, if you please.
But when it calls, a haunting wail,
It's unmistakable, without fail.

Oh screech owl, you are a wonder to see,
A creature of mystery, wild and free.
In the still of night, you take your flight,
A hunter of the dark, so fierce and bright.

A Snowy Owl

In the Arctic wild, where snowflakes swirl,
A snowy owl sits atop a pearl.
With feathers white, as soft as snow,
It blends in with the Arctic, head held low.

Its yellow eyes, so bright and sharp,
Scan the tundra, in search of its next lark.
With silent flight, it glides and soars,
Through the winter, forevermore.

Its hooting call, a haunting sound,
Echoes through the tundra all around.
It hunts with grace, swift and strong,
A master of the hunt, forever long.

Its plumage, a blend of white and gray,
Camouflages it, night and day.
But when it spreads its wings in flight,
Its beauty takes the breath, a pure delight.

Oh snowy owl, you are a sight to see,
A creature of the Arctic wild, so wild and free.
In the still of night, you take your flight,
A ruler of the tundra, with all your might.

The Eurasian Eagle-owl

In the still of the night, when all is serene,
The Eurasian eagle-owl takes flight, unseen.
With feathers so soft and eyes so bright,
It glides through the darkness, a creature of might.

It grows up to 28 inches in length, and a wingspan of 6.6 feet
can weigh up to 4.85 pounds, such a feat,
It's hoot echoes far, a sound of the wild,
As it soars through the skies, so gracefully mild.

Found across Europe, Asia and northern Africa,
This owl can thrive in various habitats like mountainous regions, grasslands, forests and deserts, quite a saga
It hunts for prey, as large as young deer,
Proving it's a fierce hunter, who's always on the spear.

It's a symbol of freedom, wild and untamed,
A reminder of nature's power, forever unchained.
With a heart full of mystery, a soul full of grace,
The Eurasian eagle-owl, a beauty to embrace.
As it silently disappears into the night,
It leaves behind a trail of wonder and delight.

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